Catalogs and Infosheets

As a service to our customers, we provide these catalogs and infosheets for download. These catalogs contain detailed descriptions of our different products and services. You are welcome to access our catalogs and brochures by clicking on the icons below. We are also happy to send you printed copies of our catalogs only at no charge. Simply complete the form below and we will put one in the mail to you!

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TSE Overview Catalog

TSE Overview Catalog

Specialty Chemicals (CASE), Millathane®, Plastics Fabrication, Rubber Molding & Extrusion

Millathane Engineering Properties Guide

Millathane® Reference Guide

Millable Polyurethane Rubber
Engineering Properties

Engineered Polymers

Engineered Polymers

Fabricated Plastics & Compression and Injected Molding Rubber and Extrusion